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Hey, I'm Alex Dodd

Game Developer
Fulltime Nerd

Cute stardew style profile pic <3 A less cute fleshy person.

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Discord: UndeadAlex

~$ whoami

A Nerd, Gamer and Tiefling Necromancer.

Hey! I'm a {age} Year old autistic Game Developer who has been playing games from a very young age.
Starting with the PS1, I quickly discovered that whilst games themselves are great, the internal workings are what truly interest me and solidified my love for game development.
The ability to create diverse worlds with unique characters takes my breath away every time I'm fortunate enough to experience it.
I mainly use C++ and Unreal for my projects currently however I love to learn new languages and techniques.

If you have any additonal questions I may have an answer on my FAQ.
If not feel free to contact me anyway you wish :)

Highlight Projects

Blog type area for specific projects

Oh, Flock!

A cozy indie game where you have to wrangle sheep!

Zombie Shooter

A basic zombie survival game in Unreal Engine 5

Asteroid Clone

An asteroids clone for one of my university assignments using MonoGame.

Simple Steel

My first official Minecraft mod. It's aim? To be a lightweight mod to add steel.


A recreation of the classic breakout using the SFML.

Baby's First OpenGL

My first attempt at learning OpenGL.

C++ Tic Tac Toe

Using the VisualStudio Desktop template to make TicTacToe.


A forgotten cardboard box with so many dreams.

University GameJam 2020

A 24-Hour Game Jam which was run by the university.

John Horton Projects

The projects from John Horton's Beginners to C++ Game Programming

Canvas Discord Bot

A tool to help remind students of upcoming assignments using discord.

Github Repos

My collection of publicly listed Github projects, a mixture of forks and personal work.