

*sad cardboard noises*

Project Date: September 2018 - October 2019


Boxi is the first game project outside of university where i worked in a team, me and one other member oversaw 3D models.
The goal for Boxi was to be a mainly community driven game, streaming development regularly to show progress and gather input from the community we had built, we had started an IndieGoGo page that failed.
Not long after the IndieGoGo page was up, our project lead got a job at a large game company and had to abandon the project, he chose to keep the Boxi IP and as such the team disbanded.

The Plot for Boxi was:
Boxi is a being made of cardboard in a world of robots. Boxi feels insecure and inferior due to not being as advanced as the other beings in that world. As such he isolates himself on Boxi Island. He decides to go on an adventure to upgrade his body to fit in.

Here are the links to both the old IndieGoGo page and the ItchIo for the demo.
Itch Io IndieGoGo

IndieGoGo link just for transparency


The last remnants of Boxi.